Friday, October 14, 2005

Scientology Volunteers in Natural Disaster Zones

There are so many stories of heroism and true emotion that never get told. And none as heart-wrenching as the people who have suffered loss of family and home, and their whole community when disaster has struck.

We all watch the results of the tsunamis in South East Asia, so glad it didn't happen to us. However, close to home Hurricane Rita struck and Americans felt this much closer to home.

Right now we have Central America and Pakistan undergoing the same upheavals when your house is just swept away, or worse, family members lost.

In each case Scientology Volunteers have been on the scene as fast as possible to help give these people comfort. Specific stories and articles can be seen at the Volunteer Minister website.

This is a photo from New Orleans:

Scientology Volunteer Ministers in their yellow shirts unloading supplies for the evacuees.