Of course everyone wanted to be a fireman when I was a kid - ride in that big red truck with the horn or siren, wear the cool fireman's hat -- everybody has to get out of your way when you drive down the street.
But really, what would prompt someone to take on such responsibility?
I was so moved at the grand opening of the Church of Scientology of New York when
Stephan Hittman Chief Executive Officer, 9/11 Foundation and Honorary Commissioner of the New York Fire Department honored the Church for the work of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers at Ground Zero.
Here is what Mr. Hittman said:
"In recognition of the humanitarian efforts of the Volunteer Ministers of the Church of Scientology, and the help they provided to members of the Fire Department of the City of New York, in keeping with the principles developed by
"WHEREAS: FDNY and the 911 PROGRAM recognize this unwavering commitment to firefighters, to paramedics, to other rescue workers, in keeping with our proudest traditions; and be it known,
"THEREFORE: That FDNY and the 911 PROGRAM officially recognize this dedicated service to the citizens of the City of New York, and hereby bestow upon
I also think the work Tom Cruise has done to make the detox program available to fire fighters and other rescue workers is such a humanitarian act. These people are still suffering from the toxic poisoning they experienced following the fall of Twin Towers -- some are incapacitated, many are having to live their lives as virtual cripples. It is so wonderful that L. Ron Hubbard's research on toxicity and how to rid the body of toxins is being made available to these brave heroes.